PTTG has experienced crews available to help when owners determine they no longer need their tanks, towers, or other structures and require them to be dismantled and removed, including scrap disposal and site cleanup.
On occasion, tanks or towers cease to function or become too old to maintain. Tank and tower dismantling involves the assessment and safe removal of these structures. We are experts in properly dismantling unneeded structures, taking into account the hazards and complications involved and thoroughly cleaning the site afterward. We also provide unique expertise in the removal of complicated structures, such as communication towers or water tanks.
The Tower Removal Process
Tower demolition is a unique process designed to fit the constraints posed by the structures themselves. Towers may house hazardous materials and complex electronics, so special care must be taken to manage these risks when removing the structures.
Because there are so many variables involved, the first step in any telecom demolition is to fully survey the site. We determine what precautions and techniques will be necessary for a given environment. We also assess the legal landscape surrounding the site—if there are other valid legal claims to the tower or its property, these must be addressed before we can proceed.
Disassembly itself takes place in a number of stages designed to keep the procedure safe and efficient, recovering whatever can feasibly be reused and disposing of the rest. This process includes:
Removal of branded equipment
Decommissioning sensitive electronics, particularly those relaying microwaves or radio waves
Disconnection of power
Dismantling of communication shelters
Testing of all remaining electronics and wiring
Identification of salvageable components to maximize sustainability
At this point, we’ve disposed of the expensive or hazardous components, and all that remains is to deconstruct the steel framework itself. What this last stage looks like depends entirely on the specific needs of the project. The entire site can be demolished or we can do a selective demolition to preserve as much of the site as possible. In either case, we work carefully to mitigate risk and minimize impact to surrounding structures and property.
Tank & Tower Experts
PTTG has a full century of experience dismantling and disassembling complicated structures. We can dismantle and dispose of even the largest earth stations, support frames, and posts, including guyed, self-supporting, and monopole structures. We can use the same techniques to dismantle smokestacks and water tanks, which pose their own sets of challenges that require proper expertise to navigate.
In each of these cases, we identify and provide all necessary equipment, such as:
Wrecking balls
This saves money for our customers and allows us to complete the job as efficiently as possible. When appropriate, we can even use this equipment to execute controlled falls, which may be the safest option in certain surroundings.
Our team also doesn’t stop with dismantling. To complement a removal job, we also provide complete site demolition services, returning the site to its original state. This gives you the flexibility to reuse the site for another purpose, including replacement with a new tank or tower in many cases.
Ready to Remove or Replace a Structure?
If you manage telecom towers, tanks, or other similar structures that have outlived their working life, it’s time to think about removing or replacing them with something newer and more efficient. The team at PTTG is experienced and knowledgeable about tank and tower removal of all kinds, and we have the skills necessary to perform any dismantling job safely and completely. We follow industry standards and best practices, maintaining communication with you every step of the way.
To discuss your needs with our qualified technicians, get in touch with us today. Our tower experts are ready to assist you.

We provide accurate and safe dismantles for guyed, self-supporting and monopole structures, smoke stacks and ground and elevated tanks. Our crews can also remove and dispose even the largest earth stations, support frames and posts, as required. We dismantle towers with gin-poles or cranes, and can execute specialized “controlled falls” when the surroundings are appropriate. Dismantled towers can be stacked at the site, or we can remove and dispose.

We have been involved with smoke stack demos for many years. Any size concrete, brick or steel smoke stack can be safely demolished by our fully trained, experienced and equipped field crews. Cranes, wrecking balls, falling, and piece-meal demolition may be performed depending on the area.

Our crews have experience dismantling terrestrial radio stations, known as earth stations, that are used for extraplanetary telecommunication with spacecrafts. Once they are decommissioned, we use the appropriate equipment to dismantle the structure and return the site to its original state.

Our second most popular type of dismantles are water tanks. This type of dismantle requires precision and expertise. Many times the tanks are in highly populated areas that require specific permitting and logistical execution.