Manufacturing Day is an annual celebration that takes place on the first Friday in October. The goal of this celebration is to inspire the next generation of manufacturers. Every year, thousands of American manufacturers participate in this event to help increase the technical education of high school students by allowing them to tour and work in their facilities.

This year, the Manufacturing Day events at Pittsburg Tank and Allstate Tower were showcased by Industrial Strength Marketing, the leading marketing agency for industrials. Having recently expanded their community outreach to the neighboring Union and Webster Country school districts, this year’s Manufacturing Day at Pittsburg Tank and Allstate Tower saw an increased number of students from the different Career and Technical Education Units walk through their doors. Students were not only able to tour both facilities but were given first-hand exposure to the internal processes carried out by the different teams.

Opportunities for Growth

Manufacturing Day at Pittsburg Tank and Allstate Tower is an excellent opportunity for students who are about to graduate and join the workforce. Throughout the years, there have been several students who have participated in this event and have become valued employees at both Pittsburg Tank and Allstate Tower.


Fabrication, processing, cooling, washing, transporting – all these industrial processes require a lot of water.  Large quantities of water are used to make food, paper, and chemicals.  Affluent first-world countries allot about 59 percent of their water for industrial needs, according to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation.  Impoverished third-world countries where there’s less water infrastructure designate about 8 percent of their water supply for industrial use.

Companies rely heavily on API – or American Petroleum Industry – style storage tanks for their industrial needs. We are tank builders that can construct API style tanks that are anywhere between 35,000 to 10 million gallons of capacity.  Pittsburg Tank & Tower Group builds API-620 and API-650.  The former stores low-temperature liquids at high pressure, while the latter stores high-temperature liquids at low pressure.

The tanks can serve many industries, including petroleum, chemical, paper, terminals, potable water, fire water, power, wastewater, and dry bulk. Specialty services include cryogenic, thermal energy, double containment, and elevated temperature.

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