It goes without saying that a fully functional communication tower is an important key to good business. Although some damage is unavoidable (such as weather damage), many potential problems among communication towers can be avoided before they start.

The longevity of your tower and associated equipment heavily relies on regularly scheduled maintenance and inspections. The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) recommends inspections every three years for a guyed tower, and five years for a self-supporting tower. However, inspections are recommended annually for coastal areas that are subject to corrosive salt air and high winds.

A tower crew should first inspect the structure from the ground in order to protect themselves from an unsafe situation. Then, the inspection continues at height with thorough documentation, pictures, and notes of any current or potential defects. This includes observing the condition of tower legs, cross members, guy point shackles, tension arms, platforms/walkways, and of course, the nuts and bolts that hold it all together.

Downtime related to communication tower defects is a costly affair for companies, causing problems for both them and their customers. At PTTG, our experts perform all cell tower maintenance and repairs from simple to complex. We can install any type of safety system to ensure proper operation and compliance with OSHA standards and EIA/TIA 222 codes.

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